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How to publish a Python package


This page assumes that you are working with an existing Python package which has been configured for auto-publishing via our common pipeline. See how to add the common pipeline to a Python package if this has not been done.

If you want to learn more about how we structure Python packages, follow our Python package tutorial.

Python packages which make use of our common pipeline are set up to auto-publish packages when a new git tag is pushed.

All packages publish to our internal package registry. Some will additionally publish to the public PyPI registry.

Increment the version number

When making a new release, the version number defined in pyproject.toml or needs to be incremented. This may have already been done by Merge Requests adding new features.

If you need to increment the version number, follow the semantic versioning guidelines.

Update the changelog

Packages should have a file in the root of the repository providing a summary of changes over time. If you have increased the version, make sure that the changelog is up to date.

Tag the release

Tag the main or master branch commit with your version number. For example, if you are releasing version 1.2.3:

git tag 1.2.3


Tag names must match the version number set in the or pyproject.toml file.

Push tags to the repository:

git push origin --tags

Check the release progress

A CI pipeline will be created to build and publish the package. The pipeline checks that the version number in your or pyproject.toml file matches the tag name.

An example pipeline from the FastAPI pagination library is show below. This pipeline publishes to PyPI and the GitLab package registry. Before a package is published to the public PyPI registry, it is pushed to the test registry.

A publish pipeline


In this how-to you learned how to tag and publish a new release of a Python project.

Next steps