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Card Management System

This page gives an overview of the Card Management System, describing its current status, where and how it's developed and deployed, and who is responsible for maintaining it.


This service as a whole is currently in active development and at beta stability.

Service Description

The Card Management System is a replacement for the existing legacy card database. The Card Management System will allow the management of university cards - from the creation and printing of university cards, through to the export of data for use by downstream systems.

Service Status

The Card Management System as a whole is currently in beta, with many of the components of the service under active development. Details of the project can be found within the project page on the UIS site.


Technical queries and support should be directed to and will be picked up by a member of the team working on the service. To ensure that you receive a response, always direct requests to rather than reaching out to team members directly.

Queries about the project or functionality of the Card Management System should be raised as GitLab issues in the feedback repository.

Technical questions or problems with the Card API should be raised as GitLab issues in the Card API repository.

Queries about data or operational issues such as card replacements should be directed to the card office at


The Card Management system is made up of the following components:

  • The Card Frontend
    • a React-based frontend application used by card representatives and card office staff to view card details, print cards, and in future order new cards and revoke existing cards.
  • The Printer Client
    • a Python and Java CLI application which interfaces with the Card API to allow cards to be printed by the card office, making use of a wrapper around the SDK for the Zebra Series 7 printers currently in use for card printing.
  • The Card Client - a Python CLI to allow export of card details for institutions across the University, mainly used to populate access systems which require a CSV feed of active card details.
  • The Card API - a Django application which acts as our single source of truth for card details, allowing querying of card data, printing of cards, raising card requests and revoking cards.
  • The Photo API
    • a Django application which acts as our single source of truth for 'approved' photos of members of the University, used to fetch photos which appear on University cards.
  • Card Sync Tool - a Python CLI tool which is used to sync card and photo data from the legacy card database to the Card and Photo APIs.

All components are deployed to GCP within the Identity Platform Deployment project. The Card Sync Tool is run on a GitLab Scheduled pipeline defined under the legacy_data_sync directory.


Environment Name Component URL
Production Card Frontend
Production Card API
Production Photo API
Staging Card Frontend
Staging Card API
Staging Photo API
Development Card Frontend
Development Card API
Development Photo API

API documentation for the production version of the Card API and Photo API can be found on the API Gateway's developer portal:

Currently the Production instances of the Photo and Card API sync data from the CARD legacy card database. The Staging instances of the Photo and Card API sync data from the development CARD_T Oracle database, and the Development instances sync a limited set of data from the CARD_T Oracle database. The frequency of data sync is defined by the sync configuration held within the deployment project.

Technologies used

The following gives an overview of the technologies the Card Management System is built on.

Category Language Primary framework
Card Frontend TypeScript React
Printer Client Python / Java pyscard / Zebra Printer SDK
Card Client Python Requests
Card API Python Django
Photo API Python Django
Sync Tool Python Oracle_cx

Operational documentation

The following gives an overview of how the Card Management System is deployed and maintained.

How and where the Card Management System is deployed

The infrastructure for the Card Management System is deployed through the Terraform defined within the Deploy Identity project. The Card API, Photo API and Card Frontend are deployed via GitLab pipelines, and will be automatically deployed to staging on the success of each master pipeline (see pipeline configuration here), with production deployment a manual step in the pipeline once staging has succeeded.

Deploying a new release

Deploying any infrastructure changes can be completed using Logan as described within the Deploy Identity project's readme.

Deploying a new release of the Card API, Photo API or card frontend to staging and then production can be completed by running the master pipeline within the project's repo. Changes must be tested in staging before deploying to production.


The Card API, Photo API and Card Frontend make use of our GCP site monitoring module for monitoring of the production environment. This will send an alert to if any of the deployments have non-transient uptime check failures.

Authentication and Authorization

The card management system enforces authentication and authorization using a number of different methods.

Service-to-service Card and Photo API authorization

The Card and Photo allow users of the API Gateway to request access to the API backends. Granting access to an application within the API Gateway will allow an application to query the APIs, but will only allow them to see entities that they own - i.e. photos or cards which are attached to the identifier given to that application within the API Gateway. This will likely mean that they will not be able to see any cards or photos. See Card and Photo API permission model below to determine how to grant wider access to applications.


The API Gateway is only used for authentication for the Card and Photo APIs and therefore allowing an application to access either API does not imply that this application can access or make changes to any card records.

End-user authentication in the Card Frontend

The Card Frontend authenticates uses against the API Gateway using the Auth Code with PKCE flow. This allows the API Gateway to identify the individual who is using the Card Frontend and pass this information to the Card and Photo APIs. This also allows the Card Frontend to use the identity token provided by the API Gateway to display basic information about the user. The code which handles the authentication flow can be found here.

Card and Photo API permissions model

The Card and Photo API's permissions models rely on a specification which documents the applications, people or groups of people who are granted certain levels of access. Both permissions specifications can be found in the deploy identity project:

The most commonly granted permission are CARD_DATA_READER for the Card API and PHOTO_VIEWER for the Photo API, which allow a person or application to view all cards and all photos. These permissions should only be granted to applications registered by institutional staff, computer officers or other IT staff.

The permissions specifications are updated using terraform in the same way as any other part of the infrastructure, as documented in the deployment project

Card Frontend permissions model

The Card Frontend honours the permissions model enforced by the Card and Photo APIs by only displaying relevant actions to users with a given permission (e.g. hiding the 'queue for printing' button if the user is not able to create cards. Additionally, the Card Frontend currently requires that all users have the CARD_DATA_READER permission, without this permission a user is shown an error screen informing them that do not have access.

Additional documentation

Information about the overall architecture of the new Card Management System can be found within the wiki page for the identity project.

Service Management and tech lead

The service owner for the Card Management System is currently vacant.

The service manager for the Card Management System is currently vacant.

The tech lead for the Card Management System is av603.

The following engineers have operational experience with the Card Management System and are able to respond to support requests or incidents: