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Professorial Pay Review (PPR)

This page gives an overview of the PPR applications, describing their current status, where and how they are developed and deployed, and who is responsible for maintaining them.

Service Description

The PPR is a bi-annual process to allow University professors to submit review documents with or without pay review applications.

Service Status

The future of these PPR applications is unknown. The last PPR using this system was completed in 2022. Some of the originally designed features have been transferred to the Senior Academic Promotion (SAP) project, now known as Academic Career Pathway (ACP).


Issues discovered in the service or new feature requests should be opened as GitLab issues in the application repository.


The PPR service is currently deployed to the following environments:

Name URL Supporting VMs
Web Server
Application Server
Web Server
Application Server

Source code

Source code for both the Application Submission and SAP Submission applications can be found in GitLab PPR 2022.

Technologies used

The following gives an overview of the technologies which PPR is built on.

Category Language Framework(s)
Application Submission C# 6 ASP.NET 4
SAP Submission C# 6 SharePoint Server-side Object Model

Operational documentation

Documentation for development and deployment is available at GitLab PPR 2022

Service Management and tech lead

The Service Owner for PPR is TBA.

The Service Manager for PPR is TBA.

The Tech Lead for PPR is TBA.

The following engineer has operational experience with PPR and is able to respond to support requests or incidents: